Thursday, July 31, 2014

What's In a Name?

A and I have been talking baby names, though not incredibly seriously before we find out the sex in September/October.

Anyway, as I wait around for the fun things to come - 12 week ultrasound and THE BIG REVEAL - I thought I'd put some of the names we like (now) here in writing. These are in order of my preferences at the moment. THANK GOODNESS A and I agree on names pretty easily. It's so much easier to have a similar style. What is our style? Old school cool, I think!


  • Evelyn (nicknamed Evie)
    • English
    • Means "Beautiful Bird"
  • Clara 
    • Latin
    • Means "Illustrious"
  • Claire
    • French
    • Means "Illustrious"

For a baby girl's middle name, we are probably going with Lettie, which was my grandmother's middle name. She never liked it much, but I think it's sweet. Lettie is English, and means "joy" which is nice since my mother's name is Joyce. Double meaning! I don't think Clara Lettie sounds great, though, so we probably will be skipping Clara if we stick with the honorary middle name.


  • Nathan (nicknamed Nate)
    • Hebrew
    • Means "He Gave"
  • Gavin 
    • English
    • Means "White Hawk"
  • Thomas
    • Greek
    • Means "A Twin"
For a boy, the middle name will probably be either James, for my grandfather, or George for A's grandfather. Both are amazing guys, so it will probably just come down to which sounds better with our name choice. My personal favorite right now is Nathan James!

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  1. Nathan James is such a strong name, I love it! I love all the names you picked!

  2. I vote for Roxanne for a girl! Lol

  3. I really like all of the names choices!
