Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Reasons I Know I am Pregnant

It's hard waiting for my first appointment, especially because I know I don't get an ultrasound right away AND I think it will be too early to hear a heartbeat on the doppler. So here are some ways I have realized I am still totally pregnant this week . . .

  • Debated eating an entire box of instant mashed potatoes for dinner.
  • Opened the fridge, decided it smelled, and walked out the door with no breakfast or lunch because the thought of making either was too gross. 
  • Went to bed at 9:30 and was actually kind of mad I didn't go to bed earlier than I did.
  • Got winded walking up a flight of stairs. I swear I am not actually this out of shape.
  • Got huffy with A about where some bookcases from the room that will become the nursery will go. IT IS THE BABY'S ROOM IT CANNOT HAVE OUR BOOKS IT HAS TO BE PERFECT. His very level headed explanation that we only need a few things for the baby at first since it will be in our room for a while kind of fell on deaf ears. The man has been a saint.
  • Have eaten ice cream like every night. I haven't had ice cream since like . . . the last time I was at an amusement park or something? But I needed to have it. So I do.
 AND the clincher....
  • Cried - literally CRIED - during the final group performances of Pitch Perfect. Yeah, Pitch Perfect. This performance right HERE. WHO AM I?

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1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH! I legit cried at the finale performances of Pitch Perfect too! I used to watch both finales on youtube for whatever reason and just sit there and cry! Especially when they let the one guy sing who had wanted to be in the group so badly but they didn't think he was cool enough and then he was AMAZING!
