Friday, July 4, 2014

7 Weeks!

How far along: 7 Weeks, 0 Days
Maternity Clothes: I have discovered the joys of Maternity leggings. I don't need the belly room(just folding down the top for now) but they are so nice! The fabric is thicker and super comfy.
Stretch marks: No new ones
Sleep: I'm wiped out all the time, but I'm waking up multiple times a night.
Best moment of the Week: Not baby related, but having my whole family over for dinner! Great to see everyone including my out-of-town sis and family.
Miss Anything? Cold lunch meat. Going to camp during the week, I need portable and non-microwaved meals. It would be so much easier to just pack a deli sandwich.
Movement: Nope.
Food Cravings: Carbs. Mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, stuffing. Basically I want Thanksgiving.
Queasy or Sick? So, I am definitely throwing up, as evidenced by yesterday's post. I also threw up after dinner last night. What is weird, though, is that I'm not really that nauseous. It's like, I go from just kind of feeling blah to puking, and then I'm fine again.
Have you started to show? Blump. Though my family seems to think I am some. Boobs are definitely bigger already.
Gender: Nope!
Labor signs: No!
Belly button in, or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody? Moody, honestly. I'm thrilled to be pregnant, but I have yet to see a doctor (11 more days) so sometimes its easy to forget I'm pregnant at all. I've been pretty easily irritated this week, at least more so than usual.

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