Tuesday, July 8, 2014

First Appointment Countdown . . . ONE WEEK!

When I first got my positive pregnancy test, I immediately called my doctor. They didn't want to see me until 8 weeks, which I know is normal, but still seemed soooooo far away. Now it is NEXT WEEK!!!!

I am so, so hoping for an ultrasound. I don't know if I will get one or not, but some reassurance that Baby C is growing as needed would be amazing. I hear so many horror stories about "missed miscarriages" and "blighted ovums" . . . I just want to know my little parasite is okay. This is especially true because other than being tired and my small handful of vomiting episodes, I would hardly know I was pregnant at all. I should be grateful for that, but I kind of wish I felt like crap. I'd be more assured everything was working properly :)

Anyway, since we're a week away, I am trying to craft a list of questions for my OB!

Here is what I have so far....

1. Billing - Will I be billed after delivery all at once? Will I be billed periodically? Do you do billling ahead of time to be "paid in full" prior to delivery?

2. Will I be eligible for an NT scan? A dating U/S? What other screenings am I eligible for, and what are the timings? When should I expect to have u/s, bloodwork, and dopplers throughout the pregnancy?

3. Frequency of appointments? Locations - at your hospital office or local location?

4. Dos/Dont's and general pregnancy advice

5. How does the practice work - will I always see you for appointments? Who delivers - you specifically or ANYONE from the practice?

Are there any major DUH questions I am missing, here?
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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got them all covered but I'm sure Amber and Kelly can give you help on what you need to ask. Back in my day you went to the Dr once a month and listened to the heartbeat..that was it. :D
