Words can't express how much sorrow we all feel over this. She was a funny, smart, hard headed woman who loved this family so very much. Her children and husband are of course devastated, and it is so hard to watch them trying to cope with this.
For me personally, the hardest thing is knowing that she did not get to meet Henry. This woman loved children unlike anyone I have ever known. Babies were such a joy to her, and her excitement over Henry was palpable. She had a surgery upcoming that would have been very risky, but she said she had to live because she "had babies to hold," - mine, a cousin of mine expecting twins, and another expectant mom on her side of the family. It's devastating to know she didn't meet that goal when these babies are expected in January, February, and March.
My thoughts of consolation are this...
No longer is Aunt Trudy in pain and forced to fight against a body that made her struggle daily.
While I'm not much of a believer in God, I know she was. I hope she was right. If so, I know she would be meeting Henry now before we get him here in our arms. I'm sure if it is at all possible in this world, she'll be watching out for him.
At our shower, she gave us this hand made teddy bear crafted by her friend. It was thoughtful at the time. Now I am so very grateful to have it as a memory of her love for my growing family. We will treasure it always.
We will have to always remember to tell Henry about his Great Aunt Trudy who loved him though she never met him.
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