How far along: 20 Weeks!!! Half way finished! How did this happen?
Maternity Clothes: Yup! And I love them. I especially love that they show off my bump :)
Stretch marks: Yes. No worse than before though.
Sleep: Not good. Either my hip or back hurts, I'm up to pee constantly, and I'm actually waking up A with my restlessness.
Best moment of the Week: This has been a pretty boring week on the Henry front, really. I mean that in the best possible way - we have such a smooth pregnancy and I'm incredibly grateful for that! So the best moment of the week was seeing the Orioles go up 2-0 on Detriot in the ALDS series! One more win and we're another step closer to the WORLD SERIES! I assume Henry's been bouncing around in there like crazy with Mama getting all excited.
Miss Anything? Scalding hot baths. I think they'd make my achey body feel better.
Movement: No. Still no. I'm hoping that now that we're half way through I'm not too far away from feeling him. The bigger he gets, the more likely I'll feel him poking around. Hard not to be jealous of people who feel their babies, though.
Food Cravings: Not really. Pretty normal food week.
Queasy or Sick? No. Henry has been so easy on me.
Have you started to show? Yes! Check out the 20 week bump!
Gender: Our boy! I really love being able to think about Henry as a real person now and the things we'll do and enjoy together.
Labor signs: No!
Belly button in, or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. I could POSSIBLY wear them, but I have a replacement band and am wearing my rings on a chain. I think I'll just stick with it and not take the risk of them being "tight" to an extreme and cutting them off.
Happy or moody? Super tired and wiped out, but happy. I'm not feeling too moody at all.
You look totally adorable!!