Thursday, September 25, 2014

Henry George

We have had an exciting 24 hours! We've chosen your name, confirmed you're a boy, AND confirmed that you are a healthy little squirming baby!

Last night, your dad and I talked through our top two name choices. You were definitely going to be either Nathan James or Henry George. They were the clear favorites, but your dad and I had different preferences. After talking it through, and seeing how much your dad loved the name Henry, and imagined playing with you and loving you, it was a clear decision. Your dad talking about you was positively heart-melting, and made it VERY clear - you're our little Henry! And it's made even more special that your middle name is George, since you're the new "heir" of the family name and you're sharing a name with your dad's grandfather! We are excited to give him a call and let him know you'll help carry on his name and memory.

I made this for you today, and I think we'll hang it in your nursery (aka your captain's quarters)!

Then today we had your anatomy scan! This is a big important ultrasound where the doctor makes sure you measure healthy and on track. Everything looked perfect! Once again, you were a little wiggle worm in there are made the tech's job difficult. Your dad had to work, so Gram came and got to watch your little heart beat and you sucking your thumb and making fists. You did quite a few somersaults in there while we watched, but thankfully we got all of the information we needed. You are healthy, and the tech from a few weeks ago was right . . . you are 100% BOY!

18 weeks, 6 days
So now we really know exactly who you are. Our little Henry. And it's so very nice to see you again <3
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for asking me to go today. It was wonderful seeing little Henry and hearing his heartbeat. Such a lucky little boy he loved already. <3
