But MAN have you made the first week of school a difficult one! Swollen feet, sore hips, painful lower back. Yeesh. Normally it takes me a day or two to re-adjust to all the standing time of teaching, but holy cow is it worse this year. I'll forgive you, though, because you are pretty cute in the ultrasound pics.
My students were all so excited to hear about the baby. They are filled with questions (Are you finding out boy or girl? What names do you like? Will you bring the baby to school stuff so we can meet it?) and it's really sweet. I've had numerous requests to be a babysitter - this is one great thing about working with honors high school kids. They're bummed I'll be out for so long, but they are more excited than anything, which is nice. They're also terrified of me a little bit - after all, I don't take any crap NOW, so how's it going to be when I'm like 14 months pregnant? Ha!
Personally, it's so bizarre to think "I'm only here until March." Yes, I'll go back for the very last few weeks in June, which I am actually glad about because I want to see my seniors graduate, but really there won't be a whole lot going on in those final weeks. So the real "teaching" ends when this baby comes. You get into the routine of school, the August to June, and it's weird to cut that so short in the winter/spring. I'm teaching a six month school year, basically. Thinking about maternity leave lesson plans is almost terrifying . . . as obsessive and organized as I am, how am I going to get it all together? I mean, I WILL, of course, but it's a daunting task for sure.
Though I've been wiped out all week (daily naps have resumed) and sore, I am ultimately glad to be back at school. Summer is great, and work is hard, but these kids are awesome and a joy to be around. I think it will be a fun (short) year with them.
You will probably get used to it. And sit as much as possible! Glad to hear how excited the kids are..so cute.