I couldn't even write this post yesterday because I was too shocked and excited!
Yesterday, at 10dpo, I found out that we are expecting Baby C on February 20, 2015! I can hardly believe it! I hope my niece doesn't mind potentially sharing a birthday, since my EDD is hers!
I woke up and caved, deciding to test even though I'd originally planned to wait until today. I took the test at 6am, waited the obligatory three minutes, and picked it up. Negative. I was bummed, and hoped it was just too early. As I went to throw the test in the trash, something caught my eye.
That . . . that couldn't be a LINE, right?
10 dpo, 6am, 6/9/14 |
It was incredibly light, but it looked pink. I could only see it if I tilted it just the right way. I proceeded to freak out and question my eyesight. I had to get to work, so I hurriedly threw the test in a drawer, got ready and left.
I was losing my mind. Was it REALLY positive? Surely the internet would know! Sharing the above pic with some experienced line-hunters produced a unanimous verdit - a line was there, and if "a line is a line," as they say, then I was officially pregnant!
I still didn't quite trust it, though. So I did the only logical thing. I used my lunchbreak to go buy more tests and take them at work.
Around noon, I produced THIS:
10dpo, 12pm, 6/9/14 |
Much clearer! In person, it was the loveliest shade of pink I'd ever seen! Now I knew I was actually, certifiably PREGNANT! I was so excited to head home to get things ready for A to get home from work. He was going to be a daddy, and I was thrilled to tell him so!
On my way home, I stopped at Barnes and Nobles and picked up some goodies. For me, I got
What to Expect When You're Expecting and
From Pea to Pod, a pregnancy journal. For A, I got
The Expectant Father, and for us both I got a baby name book.
When I got home, I cleaned the house and started to arrange A's gifts. Of course, I decided I should test AGAIN just to be sure. I couldn't turn a digital test, which was disconcerting, but the nice pink line on the third First Response of the day made me confident:
10dpo, 3pm, 6/9/14 |
I arranged A's gifts on the dining room table - including
Tuesday, The Expectant Father, his card (complete with pee stick and a poppyseed for baby size reference), and a nice glass of his good scotch. And then I waited
not so very patiently.
An Early Father's Day! |
When I heard the car pull up, I was SO nervous and excited. A walked in the door and said . . . "You're pregnant."
I was shocked! How had he known? Apparently in my shock that morning, I had dropped the pink test wrapper in the bathroom. When he saw it and I hadn't said anything to him about it, he assumed I was probably knocked up. Then later in the day he had texted me asking about said test wrapper, and I never responded. This was his evidence that he was right, since I was ignoring him. Ironically, I never got the text at all! But when he came in and noticed that I had some pregnancy tests next to me, he was sure he was right. And he was right!
We hugged, kissed, and he looked at his presents and sipped his scotch. We had a lovely night enjoying the newness of our little family of three. He is so excited, and told me many times that I would be an awesome mom. I think he will be a pretty good dad himself!
This morning, I felt crampy and was filled with nerves. Was I still pregnant? Was yesterday a long, weird miscalculation??? The only solution, of course, was to test AGAIN. Again, I couldn't get a positive on a digital, which was still nerve wracking, though I know it is so early in my pregnancy and those tests aren't as sensitive. The FRER was nice and strong, though:
11dpo, 6am, 6/10/14 |
This afternoon, I picked up the ClearBlue Digital with weeks estimator, since I've heard they are more sensitive. I was thrilled to see the word PREGNANT pop up on the screen!
11dpo, 3pm, 6/10/15 - Pregnant, 1-2 weeks post ovulation (3-4 weeks pregnant) |
So that is where we are! I am currently
3 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My baby is the size of a teeny tiny poppyseed. It seems like such an insignificant little thing, and yet it has changed my whole life. I just hope that Baby C sticks around and we get to meet him or her in February.
The next few weeks leading up to my 8 week doctor's visit are going to be a loooooooooooooong wait!